This post specifically pertains to the butterfly effect at the classical and quantum level.Butterfly effect is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful theories, but it also creates more chao ...
This post specifically pertains to Blackhole energy extraction(Penrose superradiance). As known, Black Holes are something which gulps almost everything(except hypothetical space-like objects). This means Black holes comprise a lot of energy in different forms. But, is any of that energy useful?. Fortunately, a long time ago scientists hypothesised two methods(one ...
This post specifically pertains to Lamphone technology.These days privacy is far different from the dictionary meaning. In recent days, losing privacy primarily remembers hacking/compromising any device which contains important or potential information. Moving onto the next step, researchers develop a new method that can be used by the attackers to listen to our conversations ...
On The Verge of VISIBILITY(Optical cloaking)
This post specifically pertains to the basic science of optical cloaking(paraxial) Not always sci-fi movies heed science, but sometimes scientists heed sci-fi movies too. Well, this commotion is all about cloaking devices used in fictional movies like Harry Potter and Star Trek, which are now an absolute reality. Some of the basic principles of optics are summed up ...
This post specifically pertains to the known science of the Wuhan virus/coronavirus. Credit: CDC/ Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAM. COVID-19(Coronavirus disease -2019), needs no introduction (obviously..!), corona viruses is a group of viruses that causes different types of diseases in different kinds of mammals and birds(In Humans it causes respiratory ...
Hubble Discrepancy
Until now, a minimum of two independent calculation methods has received two values that are different by about 10% with a deviation that's statistically irreconcilable. The galaxy M106 accustomed measure the distances of more distant galaxies. The universe has been expanding since the massive Bang occurred 13.8 billion years ago – a proposition first made by the Belgian canon ...
Sci-hole, the word may be slightly contrasting from the typical vernacular. But it is an assortment of the words science and hole. A black hole, which is familiar to many, is something that swallows almost everything and will not entitle anything to have an exit. Sci-hole(science-hole) also implies roughly the ...